Hey Ma Productions
Visit Hey Ma Productions, the creative force behind the upcoming PBS documentary “THE MUSIC NEVER ENDS.” Discover more about their work and their collaboration with Jose Madera and The Mambo Legends Orchestra on their website.
Latin Percussion
Latin Percussion (LP) instruments have been featured in thousands of the world’s most famous, chart-topping recordings from classic salsa to classic rock.
Jose has been an endorser of LP for 55 years. In 2009 Jose Madera Signature series congas were released. Visit LP, check out Jose’s signature congas and the many quality instruments carried by LP.
Mental Subway
Mental Subway and Jose Madera have come together to create a unique fusion of art and music. Combining Jessica Sellars' deeply personal and vibrant artwork with Jose's rich legacy in Latin Jazz and Salsa, this collaboration offers a one-of-a-kind experience. Explore the collection where creativity meets rhythm, and discover how these two art forms merge to celebrate resilience, passion, and the transformative power of both art and music.
Remo Drumheads: The Heartbeat of Every Drum.
Jose has endorsed Remo for over 20 years.
Visit their website and their extensive list of superior products.
Vater Drumsticks
Vater Percussion. Manufacturer of the highest quality Hickory and Maple Drumsticks, Keyboard, Timpani and Orchestral Mallets, Specialty Sticks, Brushes and More.
Jose has been an endorser of Vater for 10 years.
Check out their extensive catalogue of amazing products.